Acta Horti Botanici Bucurestiensis publishes
original research papers and critical reviews on plant anatomy and morphology, systematic botany, plants, algae and fungi biodiversity, plant physiology and biochemistry, plant genetic and bio technology, plant pathology, horticulture.
The manuscript (in English) should be submitted electronically as MS-Word file to the editor, Paulina Anastasiu, e-mail:
The paper should be of maximum 20 pages edited according to the journal’s requirements. Authors are expected to cover the cost of supplementary pages as well as the colour reproductions.
The title of the paper should be informative and as short as possible. Write the title centred, with bold capitals, size font 10, Times New Roman. Use italics only for the plant names and do not add the authority to species names in the title.
Below the title, aligning right, list the authors’ names withfont size 10, bold capitals. For each author include a superscription number to indicate, as footnote, the affiliation, complete address and e-mail of the corresponding author.
The abstract should be written as a single paragraph and should not exceed 200 words, font size 9, Times New Roman, justify. Do not include authority in the names of taxa.
The keywords should not be more than 8 words or phrases identifying the subject matter of the paper. Use Times New Roman, font size 9, justify.
The text of paper must be typed using 10 Times NewRoman, one spaced, justify, on A4 format with the next margins: top 57 mm, bottom 50 mm, left 42.5 mm, right 42.5 mm. First line of each paragraph should be at 10 mm. It is recommended to divide the text into: Introduction, Material and methods, Results and discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements and References. The critical reviews are excepted from this rule. Write all main headings in bold.
Scientific plant names should be given in italics. The author’s name should be written in normal print at least once, when mentioned for the first time in the text or in a table, and should be omitted subsequently. They should be abbreviated according to Authors of Plant Names, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (Brummitt & Powell 1992). After the first mention, the generic name should be abbreviated to its initial, except where its use causes confusion.
References in the text should be cited in the following form: (Petrescu 1997) or Petrescu (1997) for one author, (Metcalfe & Chalk 1950) or Metcalfe & Chalk (1950) for two authors, (Popescu et al. 1999) or Popescu et al. (1999) for more than two authors (Dumitrescu 2000a, b) or Dumitrescu (2000a, b) for several references by the same author(s) published in the same year. References in the text should be cited chronologically, not alphabetically: (Metcalfe & Chalk 1950, Popescu et al. 1999, Dumitrescu 2000). All references quoted in the text, and only those quoted, must be listed at the end of the manuscript, under the heading References, in a format strictly analogous to the examples below. The material in preparation or unpublished should bereferred in the text using the author(s) name(s) followed by “unpubl.” or “pers. comm.” and cannot be included in the reference list.
Tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are cited in the text (e.g. Table 3). They must have brief, concise titles and legends that will make the general meaning of the table comprehensible. The titles should be placed at the top of the tables. Explanatory footnotes may be placed below the table written with lowercase letters. All abbreviations must be explained in the legends. The size of table should be proportional to the journal’s page (125 190 mm).
The illustrations could be represented by photographs, graphs, diagrams, maps, schemes and must be sharp and of highquality. They should be referred as figures (abbreviations: Fig., Figs) and numbered with Arabic numerals (e.g. Fig. 1). All illustrations must be submitted electronically as distinctive files. Their titles and /or legends should be written consequently on a separate sheet. If the photographs are arranged in plates, these should be designated by Roman numerals, while the individual photographs are designated by Arabic numerals (e.g. Plate II, Fig. 2). The bar scale is required for the figures. Any signs and letters in the illustrations must be enough large to be read without problem. Hand-written signs and letters are not accepted. The final size of illustrations should be proportional to the journal’s page (125 190 mm).
References at the end of the paper must be in the APA Reference Style:
For periodic journals
1. Bechet, M. & Coman, N. (1964). Contribuţii la
cunoaşterea micromicetelor parazite pe plante rare din flora R.P.R. (Contribution á la connaissance des micromycétes parasites sur plantes rares de la flore de Romanie). Studiu Univ. Babeş-Bolyai, Ser. Biol., /1964/(1), 49-57.
2. Borza, A. (1966). Cercetări asupra florei şi vegetaţiei din Câmpia Română (i). Contrib. Bot. Cluj, /1966/(2), 141-162.
3. Buttler, K.P. (1969). Chromosomanzahlen und Taxonomische bemerkungen zu einigen Rumanischen Angiospermen. Rev. Roumaine Biol., Bot.,14(5), 275-282.
For books
1. Brandza, D. (1879 – 1883). Prodromul Florei Române sau enumeraţiunea plantelor până astă-di cunoscute în Moldova şi Valachia. Bucuresci: Tipogr. Academiei Române.
2. Beldie, A. (1967). Flora şi vegetaţia munţilor Bucegi. Bucureşti: Edit. Acad. Române.
For serials
1. Tutin, T.G., Burges, N.A, Chater, A.O., Edmonson, J.R., Heywood, V.H., Moore, D.M., Valentine, D.H., Walters, S.M. & Webb, D.A. (eds, assist. by J.R. Akeroyd & M.E. Newton; appendices ed. by R.R. Mill). (1996). Flora Europaea. 2nd ed., 1993, reprinted 1996. Vol. 1. Psilotaceae to Platanaceae. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
For chapter in serials
1.Beldie, A. (1955). Leontice. In T. Săvulescu (Ed.). Flora României. Vol. 3. (p. 33). Bucureşti: Edit. Academiei Române.
2. Borza, A. (1931). Die Vegetation und Flora Rumänien. In A. Borza (Ed.). Guide de la Sixième Excursion Phytogeographique Internationale Roumanie (pp. 1-55). Cluj: Institutul de literatură şi Tipografie Minerva S.A.
For chapter in occasional volumes
1. Boşcaiu, N. (1976). Semnificaţia documentară a florei dobrogene şi necesitatea conservării sale. In Anonymous, Ocrotirea Naturii Dobrogene (pp. 121-132). Cluj-Napoca.
For proceedings from a conference
Field, G. (2001). Rethinking reference rethought. In Revelling in Reference: Reference and Information Services Section Symposium, 12-14 October 2001 (pp. 59-64). Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Australian Library and Information Association.
For a thesis
Coldea, G. (1972). Flora şi vegetaţia Munţilor Plopiş. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Universitatea “Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj.
For a web page
The Plant List 2010. Version 1. Retrieved October 25, 2012, from:
Kuo, M. (May 2007). MushroomExpert.Com. Retrieved 15 May 2013, from /peziza_badioconfusa.html
The scientific reviewers analyse every paper and those not conforming to the journal’s requirements will not be published.
The corresponding author will be supplied with one free volume.